Saturday, February 02, 2008

Mikes Favorite Things: iPhone

I tried to fight.  I thought I could be strong.  After all, I love my blackberry.  It has filled my life with passion and love.  She never did anything wrong, she always catered to my every whim.  She greeted me with a smile in the morning and held me close at night... She always turned on when I pushed her buttons.  

So why, WHY did I pander to this new filly the iPhone.  Oh, iPhone you vixen.  You are a home wrecker.  Everything was fine in my relationship with my blackberry until you came along.  

I tried to resist, I did.  When you came on the market a last summer, I tried to look away.  But as I watched you prancing around the TV screen, I admit, I had to peek.  

Even when you dropped your price a few months later, I resisted.  "Surely you are not worth the money..."  Oh how I was wrong.  

The moment I laid my eyes on you, I knew our paths would cross.  

Alas they have.  And all I can say is you are so much more then I ever could of hoped.  Its not your fault that you were designed so well.  Not your fault that you seem to know what i want before I want it.  You are my soul-mate iPhone.... I love you.

And to my Blackberry.  Yes, I have left you for some one younger and better looking.  Yes, we did have good times together, and yes you did everything I ever asked.  I hope you know, and I dont want this to sound canned... Its not you, its me.


Cathryn said...

Oh my goodness, I am rolling! What a fantastic post! Talk about witty; iphone oews you some many man!

Seriously, I don't think I have ever even seen an iphone (did I mention we don't have tv?) but now I want one! haha.

"you homewrecker!" LOL

Anonymous said...

I can't stop laughing! Mike you are so funny! Even when you were 2yrs. old you would make me laugh during sacrament meetings while dad was sitting up on the stand looking down at me with a "better be quiet look!". Love all your blog posts, you're great. How does Alisha feel about your relationships?

Alisha Green said...

Ummmm, how do I fit into this whole thing hmmm? *taps foot* You and your little love affairs with your new toys! I wondered what that blue glow was/is in the middle of night. Now I know! Well guess what, you better watch out for my new steam mop. We're getting pretty cozy these days too! :0

Anonymous said...

You both are so cute!

Anonymous said...

Great post!

I too must confess my obsession. Since she was first exposed to the public I felt something I had never felt before. I have since stalked her every move, admiring her polished curves and her friendly-to-the-touch interactive face. So glossy. Many hours I've spent in the magazine aisle thumbing through pages hoping to catch even a glimpse. Every time I see her with another man I feel jealous and even angry. I know I shouldn't covet but its not fair. For so long now I've watched her on the internet, sometimes late into the night, studying her buttons closely. I know what she can do and I don't know how much longer I can go without her...

Hi- My wife and I are friends of your sister. We were neighbors in Cleveland and are now here in Japan with them. My wife told me I needed to read your post because I could relate. I can. I am a Mac addict and would love an iPhone. Unfortunately there not available in Japan yet. Someday. In the meantime, take good care of her for me. Thanks for the entertaining post.


Micheal Green said...
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Micheal Green said...

It's more wonderful than you can possibly imagine.

Cathryn said...

LOL!! My lungs...I.Can't.Take.It! haha. (cough-cough)

Really Mike, that was a hilarious post. Rereading it tonight was great!