What most compelling is that it is human nature to stick to a place in our life that is comfortable, and not productive. Sure, we all go for a run after watching the biggest loser, but the next day a lunch, bring on the beef n' cheddar.
OK so if that is true then what is it that maintains forward motion in the things we do. Do we need to have a heart attack before we start losing weight? Do I work more efficiently because my boss yelled at me or called me out in a meeting? Unfortunately to often at least for me this is the case. Why is it that I cant wrap my mind around the fact that I need to be moving forward to reach and achieve my goals? As I was on my post biggest loser walk tonight, I got thinking about a part in the show where one of the trainers was trying to help a person dig down deep into their emotional self and find the real reason they are overweight. I think in most peoples life, the same reason they are overweight is the same reason they do anything self destructive. And when I say they I mean me. The girl that was getting drilled, finally dug to the layer of some emotional issues she had with her parents divorce.
Likely there is much more to the story, but I would say even getting that far is much further than most people are able to get on their own. As I was walking I got thinking about what it is the root cause of unhappiness in my life. Now, I am not an unhappy person. 98% of the time I am happy as a peach in ice cream (see my earlier post) however I wanted to figure out what made me a miserable miser that other 2% of the time. After some self questioning and digging, I think the root cause is simple.
I am a lazy SOB
That may sound harsh. But its a good thing. Much like finding the reason for making you sick, I can now focus energy on a simple problem. Its also comforting to me to think that if that is the case, that means I am a lazy sob only 2% of the time. That sounds good, but think what that 2% is costing me in productivity. That 2% is keeping me from my goals or at very least prolonging the time before I reach them.
My resolve for 2008. Stop being a lazy SOB.
My resolve for 2008. Stop being a lazy SOB.
1 comment:
Ok, I didn't even know you had a blog and look at the gold mine I have found! You are such a great writer.
I was looking at your email encouraging us to get a flickr acct (which I am getting closer, I am!) when I noticed your blog. Wow! Gold Mine!
So, I started a blog too that looks just like yours (without knowing of course). If I can figure out how to add you as a friend, I will.
Anyway, I enjoyed your post. I am so lazy myself and I hate it. I used to be the "doer" but now Dana is the "doer" and I am the "not-doer" NOT GOOD!
Talk to you soon. Love ya.
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